Today I continue troubleshoot the IP camera. Early in the morning, I used modem to setup the IP camera because broadband still with Mr.Mazran. Continue...continue...and continue...What should I do for this problem? Everything look fine at the setup and it already have the DNS from viewnetcam but can't access.
I try to change the setup on internet which are include IPv4, IPv6 and register on When I enable the IPv4 for auto port forwarding on internet, it shown the notice "For auto port forwarding, the port number may change. In this case, register the camera address's new port number with the PC or Network Camera Recorder" and after save this setup, I must wait for 5minute for loading. This setup failed to test on Internet when I enable the auto port forwarding IPv4. This only failed to setup when I enable to IPv4. So, I find from Internet about IPv4 and the forum that discuss about the same problem as mine.
In the camera troubleshoot, it also not mention about failure on IPv4 when it setup. As the manual, it shown that the setup already complete when it save IPv4 for enable in auto port forwarding. Differences cases with my situation right now.
After break, I change the router to broadband. As yesterday, I also have problem with the light on camera. It flashing orange eventhough it already can access from laptop. Figure below shown the description about light on camera.
Try to troubleshoot by using broadband as the router for our IP camera but the flashing orange light on camera also make me curious why the problem occur when I change the router. But for me, it not the big problem because we can access the camera eventhough it flashing orange like the signal of not connect with the router.
Both router( broadband and modem), we take it home to analyse at home. I also used Wifi modem at home and camera light green, after that it became flashing orange. So, I change to modem that usually use to test. I also take out my Data Communication and Networking note from last semester. Review on Bridge and Router. I also search for IPv4 and IPv6. This installation unsuccessful. So, I will continue tomorrow....