Friday, July 20, 2012

Nineteenth Day

Assalamualaikum....welcome to my blog....just read my boring blog... >_O

Let Exercise early in the morning....

regangkan bahu
lembutkan tangan perlahan-lahan seperti burung

lakukan sekali lagi dengan lebih lembut

mulakan tai-chi
ke kanan dan kiri
regangkan bahu dengan lebih cepat

untuk lebih ekstrem, buat dengan laju
kalau bosan gak, ketuk kepala dengan batu...
Now, we can start our task on the beautiful day today. Update my blog will be every 2 days because all the task will be the same. I'm need to explain some of thing that really same and unfinished task yet. Mr.Mazran told me to contact on Mr.Ed Soffuan from computer center to get any help. I try to call him in the morning but can't reach it. Maybe he busy because Mr.Hanafi said before that they have to finished their work before Ramadhan. Mr.Hanafi also told us that he will go to the seminar on this weekend.

I search on google about how to change http to https. But the result of the searching not really good because the router that I use only display on http and not even once post about change http to https. The link of https an usually used to the website like facebook or twitter. It for the security website for people. For router D-link DIR-300, it never be have https. But, maybe all the post never have the problem with the IP camera by Panasonic. 

So, I try to find something from manual on Panasonic and google about manual on router D-link DIR-300. To get the match between both of them. The research unsuccessful for today. It will continue on tomorrow.

Eighteenth Day

Assalamualaikum...nice to see you again....

Today i continue with task IP camera. We change the setting on router configuration on IP address This is gateway to access the internet. By using this gateway, we can access the configuration of the router. For this configuration, it will have username and password. For default username for D-link DIR-300, it will be admin and the password is blank. The log-in page of this configuration like this figure:

From this configuration, we can change the setting on the router. We can also block the web and allow the user from use this router. A lot of the configuration that we must have to set if we want not to allow people on this router. For changing the UPnP on this configuration, I check on Advanced setting on the Advanced Network. Click on enable UPnP to enable UPnP for configuration on IP camera. Save the setting of the router.

For check the status on router, go to the status and click on device info. It will display like figure below. It shown MAC address, IP address(gateway), subnet mask and DHCP server for LAN. It also shown for Internet configuration and the SSID for router.

If we let it about 15minute without using change anything, it will log-out automatically and we must log-in again. This figure shown when the configuration log-out automatically.

We also try to change the setting on DDNS and http to https(security) but I don't know how to change in http because the briefing with Mr.Hanafi, he only tell me about change the http. Each router have the differences setting on configuration. Sometime the easier to change and the difficult one. For DDNS setting, I don't know the username an password on dlink DNS. So, to change the configuration, I waiting for help on Mr.Hanafi or Mr.Ed Soffuan from Computer Center(department of communication and networking).

~Thanks For Reading Y^_^Y~

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Seventeenth Day

Assamualaikum....thanks to coming to my blog again.... ^_^  Y^o^Y

Today, I start my IP camera early in the morning...To find the information about the problem, I go to "uncle google" and start to find it. After that, we go to UTeM Computer Center. Mr.Mazran had told to to find someone from computer center to help me about router and IP camera. Mira and I walked to computer center in the morning, we go to the computer center and we saw that all department on computer center private access. Only staff can access the department and only them can allow people to enter the department.

At the early, we got the wrong department. They shown the department that used to build programming or website. So, I got to go ground floor to find the real one department. The person that in-charge on reception table told me that all of the person that all persons that on the department have meeting. All that expert to router and internet. So, he told me to come on the evening. We back to our workplace and continue to google about UPnP.

After lunch break, we try find something from internet. After that, we go to the computer center for the second time. On this time, we got introduce to Mr.Hanafi to explain about the router. He asking about what we want to know and what research that we want to find. I told him the research about IP camera that connected into the internet using different router. He tell that if want to discuss about IP camera with the router, it should be the long talk and for today he busy because he must go to the site (UTeM Hostel). But he explain a little thing about what we want to know.

I asking him for the manual, he told that the manual will be differ from the reality. So, we must try and test for this research. He explain about what is difference how to read between IP address and Gateway. He also want me to find the configuration of IP camera because sometime the configuration inner the camera differ the setting on router. Maybe camera use security link https not http. But for the configuration on IP camera, I setting on http. He explain we must to change the configuration same as the camera to make it access from internet and make UPnP enable. He gave us DNS that always use to access on internet: or If we use viewnetcam that gave special DNS, we must change the DNS on router configuration. We already late to the site, and we thanks to him and asking for his schedule and his phone number to contact for arrange the appointment next time....

We will continue tomorrow....


Sixteenth Day


#Today I proceed with IP camera. I suspect the reason of unsuccessful on IP camera because can't enable for auto port forwarding. But I more interest to find the reason why UPnP can't be enable because UPnP is a set of networking protocol that permits networked devices. If UPnP can't be enable, it can't permit IP camera to access on internet.

Problems with UPnP:
  1. Lack of authentication
    * UPnP does not implement any authentication,so UPnP device implement the Device Security Service. It also exist a non standard solution called UPnP-UP(Universal Plug and Play-User Profile) that allow user authentication and authorization mechanisms for UPnP devices and applications. Many UPnP device implementations lack authentication mechanisms and by default assume local systems and their users are completely trustworthy. Most notably, routers and firewall running the UPnP IGD protocol are vulnerable to attack since the framers of the IGD implementation omitted a standard autentication method. This allow a router implementing the UPnP IGD protocol to be controlled by a malicious web site when someone with UPnP-enabled router simply visits that website. Not all router can have such things as DNS server setting altered by UPnP because much of the specification (including LAN Host Configuration) is optional for UPnP enable routers.
  2. Accepting WAN request
    *Daniel Garcia developed a tool designed to exploit a flaw on some UPnP IGD device stack that allow UPnP request from WAN but the problem is widely propagated around the world, with scan showing at least 500000 vulnerable device at a time.
  3. Other problems
    *UPnP does not have a lightweight authentication protocol, while the available security protocols are complex. So, some UPnP devices ships with UPnP turned off by default as a security measure.

    #I try to change on setting for port forwarding on router configuration, but there also the problem because the port that used by viewnetcam or IP camera we just know about the default port only. It is 80 for the default. If we use the special port for IP camera, we must set the viewnetcam add the number of the port. For example port is 80, the link should be

    #I can't solve the problem yet, and it will continue tomorrow. We bring back IP camera and router to test at home.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fifteenth Day

Assalamualaikum....good morning everybody...It is morning?or afternoon?or evening?or night?or whatever la.....may Allah bless you......Y^_^Y

Today I more to finished up my logbook. The routine that I do along this practical that I update on my blog be my reference to write on logbook. But there a lot of thing that I must write on because I update my logbook rarely compare to my blog. My blog will update everyday, so, it seem that the thing that I learned just a little thing. But I realize that the things that  I learned on HIIS are the huge experiences because it more something that I'm not learned on class.

I also continue to troubleshoot on IP camera that I can't solve for a week maybe. It been little bit difficult to find the cause because what learned on class not as what we do on industry. That's why industry training importance to student that want to do FYP(Final Year Project) for fourth year student. My note from last not help me to find the characteristic that IPv4 can't auto port forwarding. The note about auto port forwarding not include on my Data Communication and Network note.

The troubleshoot will be continue next Monday...


Fourteenth Day

Assalamualaikum....Nice to see you again....V^o^V

Today like yesterday. Today I continue to troubleshoot the IP camera about what make it not display on viewnetcam website. I try to search for IPv4 and IPv6 but there no clue about why it not function. I change setting on internet(camera) for IPv4 and I notice about UPnP(Universal Plug and Play) on IPv4 that we need to enable the UPnP on camera and router.

So, I go to router website to change the setting on UPnP for enable. After that, I change the setting for the Internet(camera) for enable auto port forwarding on IPv4. But the result still same. It failed to test on internet. I go to setting on UPnP to confirm that UPnP is enable and can be display the camera on internet, it shown that the UPnP already save setting for enable on IPv4 and via internet. I check on maintenance for setting on UPnP, it shown that UPnP still disable. The description about UPnP like figure below.

I try to change the setting on router for UPnP for the second time. The result is so sad because the status on maintenance became the router was not detected or configuration was unsuccessful. When Mr.Mazran asked about the progress IP camera, I told about the problem on UPnP although all setting seem fine. He told to do some research on internet about the problem that I have. Maybe before this, there also have the problem to setting on auto port forwarding on UPnP.

The reseach about IP camera will be continue tomorrow. 
