Friday, August 10, 2012

Thirty Three-Rd Day

The next task is to program the PIC that he gave us not the board that we already solder but the other. This board use the same function as before but the output will be differ than the old one. We use the same coding but, we must to change the command for output. The output that represent LED is C4 and C5. So, for coding I will change the output. For example, before this we use:
if (mydata== 'A');
if (mydata== 'B');
:.: This command for light up and light down the LED. Pin C3 represent the LED.

So, we use the same command but change the pin. The second LED, we also add the same command but the difference pin. The second pin represent by C5.
PIC board with LED1, LED2

PIC board with buzzer
Command with buzzer we use the same command as before but the pin we change too. Pin for this board is C2.
PIC board with LCD
Command for this board is same but pin is C1.
PIC board with power LED though hole
This board use the diffirence LED. For the three above, it use SMD and this board use through hole.

The difference of all this board and the board that we already program are the pin and this board doesn't have the relay. The serial communication done for today.

The next task, we waiting for Mr.Mazran ask us to do it. See you tomorrow.

Thirty Two-Nd Day

Assalamualaikum and very good morning, afternoon, evening and night.

Today Mr.Mazran gave us the new task. For the first task are to soldering SMD on board. The new circuit. We not soldering for a little time, so we already rusty to solder SMD. At the early solder, it take more time to solder component. After that we already can solder as before. For this circuit, it's only soldering 8 capacitor, 3 resistor, 1 power supply socket and 1 power. This circuit difference compare to the other because we use the difference board and PIC. He gave us 3 board to be solder.

We already finished soldering the PIC board and will continue the next task tomorrow, Next task is to programming the PIC by using serial communication. It will continue tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Twenty Four-Th Day

Assalamualaikum....nice to meet you again...

Today I continue my task as usual. IP camera still can't detect the router and can't get the IP address for the camera. Try to find something that can troubleshoot the DHCP problem.I can't detect why DCHP can't detect by IP camera. It should be easy to detect because use host name. It look like something not right on the configuration or the configuration by Mr.Hanafi have the error for detected the IP address by using host name.

We try to search internet about IP camera by using host name not static or automatic setting. Because Mr.Hanafi already setting it for host name at the IP camera. It should can detect and give the IP address for the IP camera

IP camera will continue tomorrow...

Thirty-Th Day are you doing? of course read my blog...+_+

Today as the last Friday, I update my blog and my logbook for week. The task of IP camera can't be continue by using WAN from UTEM. For this time, we can't proceed with this task. So, we wait for Mr.Mazran for report about progress IP camera and what task that we have to follow up.

Mr.Mazran busy and only Mr.Tiang supervise us for today. So, task for today update blog and logbook that not complete.

The task all of this will be continue next week.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Twenty Nine-Th Day

Assalamualaikum.....nice to see you again..... Y^o^Y

Today I continue with IP camera. Router that I already reset and set the configuration for SSID and password as same as before. This is because of we don't need to same as the configuration on the camera. We already set the Camera for wireless by using router name HITECT(HIIS), so, it only can detect the SSID router that use the name.

We also short talk about CIPA (Certificate of Internet Protocol Associate) and CIPE (Certificate of Internet Protocol Engineering) from Mr. Mohd Shahril Izuan at his room. This talk priority to BENT and BENW student. Mr. Shahril is lecturer of Data Communication and Networking for 3-BENT section 2 last semester. So, I use this opportunity to ask about IP camera.

We explain about the task that Mr.Mazran gave us to Mr. Shahril. We also told him about what we already learn from Mr. Hanafi. He explain about the IP Camera that use the WAN. For using the WAN, The other WAN must know the IP address for the WAN to the router. From this IP address, other WAN will see IP Camera as the device using this WAN. This IP address we can get on the detail of the router.

For the auto-port forwarding, this case can't solve because we use the WAN from UTEM. UTEM block a lot of the port that we can't use it. It impossible we access the IP  camera from other WAN because auto port forwarding can't enable cause of port are blocked by UTEM. Mr.Shahril says that the every company must have the port that they restricted from the user but UTEM block more port from the user. Mr.Hanafi once told us that to open the port, we have to get the permission letter from the UTEM to open the port.

For this IP Camera, we assume that it will unsuccessful if use WAN from UTEM. Task will continue tomorrow.

Twenty Eight-Th Days I am again and again.... +_+

Today I continue blog about serial communication and review about that for a while. After that we continue with the IP camera. For this time have the problem that we also can't access the internet via router. So, I try to diagnose the problem of the router. All the user can't access the internet and the IP address/gateway become differ than the usual.

So, I take the way to reboot router by press reset button. This is because, this router have the problem since the configuration was change by Mr.Hanafi by using DHCP of the IP camera. After reboot, I configure the router with the usual setting as before to make IP camera can detect the router.

IP camera will continue tomorow.