Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Twenty Seven-Th Day

Assalamualaikum to all of you....
Today I continue with second task that is the Serial Communication. Mr.Mazran told us to ask Azlan to teach how to progress the serial communication. First all the all, we need to install software from the CD. After that I have to program the PIC by using PICkit software after get the coding from PIC C-Compiler that we already make it. The step to program PIC by using by PICkit can review on my last blog---->PICKit
The coding for the Part 1 just like figure below. There have the mistake. Actually for the last coding represent  it will count from 0 and add the number every 1000milisecond not second. Mistake on the statement. The other can be review on Figure.

After already finished with Part 1, I continue with Part 2. The coding for Part 2 shown on figure below. The description will be under the figure.

(1) This command for insert the LCD hex file into this hex file to make the LCD display like I want to.
(2) This command was insert as command on (1) to display the LCD.
(3) This command will be display on HyperTerminal after it will we write the hex file to PIC. It like a instruction to display or to function other component.
(4) This command to display when the "A" type on the HyperTerminal as the (3) want to.
(5) This command to give the output should be high[1] at the pin C4. For pin C4, it refer to LED.
(6) This command for clear the display on LCD after write it because if we not command it will be double on the LCD display.
(7) This command for centered on display on LCD. It will change based on the our interest.
(8) This command for display on LCD what going on the PIC. For "A" it will display LED ON
 (9) This command for "S" that it will be output LOW[0] on C4. Output on C4 is LED.
(10) This command for "S" that will display on LCD as LED OFF.
(11) This command for "Z" that it will be output HIGH[1] on C3. Output on C3 is RELAY.
(12) This command for "Z" that will display on LCD as RELAY ON.
(13) This command for "X" that it will be output LOW[0] on C3. Output on C3 is RELAY.
(14) This command for "X" that will display on LCD as RELAY OFF.
(15) This command for "B" that it will be output HIGH[1] on C1. Output on C1 is BUZZER.
(16)This command for "B" that will display on LCD as BUZZER ON.
(17) This command for "M" that it will be output LOW[0] on C1. Output on C1 is BUZZER.
(18) This command for "S" that will display on LCD as BUZZER OFF.

For complete display on this LCD, we also must put the LCD hex file the same folder of the hex file of the programming. Below is the coding of the LCD hex file.

 IP camera will continue on tomorrow....


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Twenty Six-Th Day

Assalamualaikum to all of you....
Today I continue with IP camera that can't access the DHCP. Even it detected the camera but there can't get the IP address for camera and access it. So, I try to find camera by using MAC address (0080F0DF2513). I also set the IP address for camera as After that, it will restart as figure below.

I waiting for 1 minute for camera restarted. After that, it will shown notice as figure below. It gave the IP address that we can use to access the camera. The address to access camera is After that, I can access the camera as before. Change the IP address by the MAC address is like change DHCP to Static address.

For camera configuration, I must set up for viewnetcam again to get the camera address for access via internet. An address will be The 8000 at the end of the address is the port number that I set on Static Address. The status of UPnP is enable that show it can be access on internet, but still can't use the DNS by viewnetcam. It can be shown on Figure below.

This figure show that the DNS, Viewnetcam, and UPnP success to configure as I want. The status on autoconfig say that access from the internet allowed. But still it can't be access via the other router/internet.

I  try to call Mr.Hanafi but he is still busy and only get to leave a message. Mr. Mazran told us to continue doing IP camera and also start Serial Communication for this week. This is because he don't want the task on IP camera only, I can learn serial com. before get appointment with Mr.Hanafi.

The task will be continue on tomorrow...

Monday, July 30, 2012

Twenty Five-Th Day

Assalamualaikum and very good morning...

Today I start with my logbook and blog. It is because we need to submit logbook every Monday, so all that I wrote on blog will be wrote on logbook too. I try to find DHCP stand to waht and what can be help me.

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a network protocol that is used to configure network devices so that they can communicate on an IP network. A DHCP client uses the DHCP protocol to acquire configuration information, such as an IP address, a default route and one or more DNS server addresses from a DHCP server. The DHCP client then uses this information to configure its host. Once the configuration process is complete, the host is able to communicate on the internet.

The DHCP server may have three methods of allocating IP-addresses:
  • dynamic allocation: A network administrator assigns a range of IP addresses to DHCP, and each client computer on the LAN is configured to request an IP address from the DHCP server during network initialization. The request-and-grant process uses a lease concept with a controllable time period, allowing the DHCP server to reclaim (and then reallocate) IP addresses that are not renewed.
  • automatic allocation: The DHCP server permanently assigns a free IP address to a requesting client from the range defined by the administrator. This is like dynamic allocation, but the DHCP server keeps a table of past IP address assignments, so that it can preferentially assign to a client the same IP address that the client previously had.
  • static allocation: The DHCP server allocates an IP address based on a table with MAC address/IP address pairs, which are manually filled in (perhaps by a network administrator). [Only requesting clients with a MAC address listed in this table will be allocated an IP address]. This feature (which is not supported by all DHCP servers) is variously called Static DHCP Asignment (by DD-WRT), fixed-address (by the dhcpd documentation), Address Reservation (by Netgear), DHCP reservation or Static DHCP (by Cisco/Linksys), and IP reservation or MAC/IP binding (by various other router manufacturers).
I can't solve the problem. I continue on next Monday.

Twenty Three-Th

Assalamualaikum....nice to see you again.....

Today I continue with the IP camera but there have the problem with router and IP camera. IP camera can't detect DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) that Mr.Hanafi set yesterday. The IP camera function but it not recognize the IP address for the camera. So, I can't access the camera to view it. Mr.Hanafi told us not to change any configuration either router or IP camera.

If we access the camera by search camera as usual, figure above will shown as usual. But there have the problem that the IP address will be It tell me that the camera not get any IP address from the router. So, I try to click on access the camera. The result will shown as figure above.

After waiting for 30second, it will shown the result as the figure above. The network configuration in process. It tell that the camera still searching for IP address from the router. The figure below shown that the configuration of the IP camera by using DHCP. We can see that it use the correct SSID of router but can't get the IP address from the router.

So, I try to find something about DHCP on internet. Why that the IP camera can't detect DHCP although we already set before. Mr.Hanafi already told that the IP address for the camera will be change and it based on how the device detect the SSID from router.

I will continue my IP camera on tomorrow.