Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Twenty Two-rd Day

Today, we got appointment with Mr.Hanafi at Computer Center. Because of we reset camera and router, we must set wireless to our router but we have problem that camera can't detect wireless even the SSID for wireless are same. So, Mr.Hanafi try to setup the camera to wireless. He also explain about networking. Before want to setup any project about networking, we must design the networking that involve all this project. To access IP camera to internet, it consist two WAN (Wide Area Network) that can access the same camera without using the same WAN. The design as this picture.

Twenty One-rd Day

Assalamualaikum.....Happy Ramadan...

Today I continue with my IP Camera and update my blog also my logbook for last Friday. I called Mr Ed Soffuan for set our appointment. He called me back to set the appointment with Mr.Hanafi. So, tomorrow Mira and I will meet Mr.Hanafi early in the morning.

I change the configuration at router and camera, after that I can't access the camera. I can view but can't login to change the configuration at the camera. Even I reset the camera, there still like that. So, I reset the camera and also the router.

I find the slide about http and https on internet.This slide can view on Slide HTTP VS HTTPS

Mr.Mazran come to introduce our new supervisor. Mr.Tiang will supervise and teach about our task. Mr.Tiang fourth years student UTeM from BeNC. Mr. Mazran give the task that we must achieve about this week and what we achieve along week 3 and 4. The achievement shown as this table.

1. GSM
*Fauzan (Leader)
>AT Command
>Basic Coding
>Timer CCT
>Visual Basic

*Azlan (Leader)
>Soldering SMD
>Solar Sensor
>Amplifier SCC
>Send SMS

*Nabil (Leader)
>Soldering SMD
>Design solar SW CCT
>Relay CCT board
>PCB fabrication
>Simple PCB for SW
>Relay design and testing

*Sara (Leader)
>Soldering SMD
>Wireless IP Camera
>Configuration Dlink router
>Appointment with Ed Soffuan and Hanafi

*Saiful Amirin(Leader)
>Soldering SMD
>Manual RFID
>Password Coding
>Door lock

Mr. Tiang will supervise us twice a week or more. But he not supervise for everyday. IP Camera will continue tomorrow with Mr.Hanafi at Computer Center.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Twentieth Day

Assalamualaikum.....knock knock...are you there? Y^_^Y

Today, I start with update of my blog for activities on Wednesday and Thursday. After that, I need to update my daily logbook. I update once a week. It is because I already update my blog to be my references. After update it, I continue to search about the IP camera. I Google about HTTP and HTTPS and also things about IP camera by Panasonic. I found a website that upload a slide about how to setup a Panasonic IP camera. I used this slide from website to compare with my configuration-------->Slide IP Camera

This configuration little bit difference between my configuration because I used Automatic IP address and this slide use static IP address to configure this IP camera for IPv4 setup on camera. It also shown how they set the port for IP camera and still use UPnP. But by this slide, I'm not really get what I must change it because the example of the setting so general. For the setting on port forwarding, they use the difference router, so, the setup will be differ from me. I try to change the setting but there have the problem that I can't log-in to my IP camera eventhough I used the correct username and password. So, I reset IP camera and set the username and password. It also have the same problem.

I will continue on next Monday.

Balik kampung untuk Hari Pertama Puasa

Selamat menyambut Bulan Ramadan Al-Mubarak....