Today I continue with IP camera that can't access the DHCP. Even it detected the camera but there can't get the IP address for camera and access it. So, I try to find camera by using MAC address (0080F0DF2513). I also set the IP address for camera as After that, it will restart as figure below.
I waiting for 1 minute for camera restarted. After that, it will shown notice as figure below. It gave the IP address that we can use to access the camera. The address to access camera is After that, I can access the camera as before. Change the IP address by the MAC address is like change DHCP to Static address.
For camera configuration, I must set up for viewnetcam again to get the camera address for access via internet. An address will be The 8000 at the end of the address is the port number that I set on Static Address. The status of UPnP is enable that show it can be access on internet, but still can't use the DNS by viewnetcam. It can be shown on Figure below.
This figure show that the DNS, Viewnetcam, and UPnP success to configure as I want. The status on autoconfig say that access from the internet allowed. But still it can't be access via the other router/internet.
I try to call Mr.Hanafi but he is still busy and only get to leave a message. Mr. Mazran told us to continue doing IP camera and also start Serial Communication for this week. This is because he don't want the task on IP camera only, I can learn serial com. before get appointment with Mr.Hanafi.
The task will be continue on tomorrow...
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